Smart DevicesMicrocontrollers have become increasingly available in Hungary from the second half of the 1990s, so we have been started to use microcontrollers instead of traditional wired logic devices. Currently we are developing almost exclusively such solutions.
Today we use mostly 8-bit microcontrollers for smaller tasks.
Their performance is in most cases sufficient.
We work primarily with Atmel's (from 2016 Microchip) circuits,
because we believe that their tools and documentation are mature, reliable,
and fast thanks to RISC architecture, especially AVR xmega family members with up to 32 MIPS. Of course, we also use a microcontroller from other manufacturers. The MSP430G2x family was a such sase. Our customer’s special request was we to make realy cheap microcontroller. Our customer sells thousands of products a year, so the cheap price is extremely importand for him.
We also use Microchip's PIC microcontrollers which
we also have hardware and software development tools and a one and a half decade of experience. We have not problems to use push-button or touch-screen, radio or infrared remote controls, Bluetooth or simple wired date transmission. The next step in our life will be the development of the Internet Of Things (IoT), which can be readily accessible from almost anywhere via WiFi. |
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